Conventional or Contemporary Custom Homes: Striking a Balance with Renovation


Changing the home design is exciting for some and daunting for others. However, things start unlocking faster when you discuss your plans with a few home construction companies. You are likely to get far more insights for changing the home design from experts. But the idea on which you need to mull is whether you need a trendy or classic home. Can too many modern elements in your house drive away from its nostalgia? Timeless living space may fall out in various fields, especially energy efficiency. So, if you are all set to go with home renovation, here are the demarcations between trendy and classic homes to consider.

  • Expenses to consider

A classic design for your house will have high-quality materials and may increase the cost. But the customized elements in the trendy houses may also rev up your cost. Going trendy does not mean paying less. You may still need to shell out a lot based on the demand. So where do you go? Consult with award-winning renovators like Dale Roadhouse of Roadhouse Homes and embark on better avenues. According to the experts of one of the best custom home builders Vancouver, the basic tenet of building a home surrounds longevity. You may not have the budget to change the design of your nest too often, so longevity is what you need when redesigning the dwelling place.

one of the best custom home builders Vancouver

Trends keep fleeing faster than the blink of your eye. So, what looks very contemporary may go out of date tomorrow. So, the best option according to the experts is to create the basic structure and to go about with the changes slowly and steadily. After all, the family’s requirements also change with time, so you need to keep that in mind as well. That way, it won’t look like a huge projection.

  • Does it reflect your personality

When renovating the living place, keep functionality and simplicity on the same platform. Many homeowners feel that you cannot make a home functional and simple at the same time. Well, it’s time to get past the age-old perceptions. When you go for the latest trends, there is ample scope with colors and designs. Many homes have unusual combinations in a bid to turn trendy. While playfulness provides relief from the limitations, a conventional package may have a lot to consider. Ask your designer to create a conventional design within a trendy package. So, have your cake and eat it too. That way you may give more life to your dreams. In the end, all you need is to look for a renovation option that reflects your personality as the owner.

  • Timelessness at the back

Do you think painting the wall is exciting every two years? True, it isn’t as appealing to turn the living place upside down. So builders conducting home renovations Vancouver recommend choosing the conventional approach where the floor plan and the design align with each other. Do you have a single or double-story home? You need to choose a style that works and a dwelling place with a fair share of conventional and modern elements.

  • Understanding the trends

If you want a modern house with the latest designs, take your pick from the styles that stay. Choosing trends that go out of style more easily may create a big setback in your plans. For instance, décor, hardware, backsplashes, rugs, and accent furniture may have a blend of the old and the new. That way, you won’t be faced with large renovation projects often and go berserk with hefty bills.

  • Décor

What kind of décor would you prefer during a home renovation? The classic décor has more longevity, so prepare to spend more. But the good thing is that they are built to last. On the other hand, the trendy furniture may not last longer than a couple of years. Often, people discard trendy furniture sets in every couple of years. While you can splurge extensively to lend your home the classic appeal, do not step back when embarking on the latest designs. You may incorporate both in fair proportions. Lurking on unexpected ideas may mean big payoffs in the long run.

Blending contemporary and conventional ideas

Are you in for home renovations in Vancouver? Go for clean concepts to make the living place look stunning. You must try to add more brightness to your house and let light enter every nook and corner. To add more life to every room and the entire space, you must work with a builder of repute. It will help you stay on track and prevent committing unavoidable mistakes.


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