With TheHubNews, post your writings. If you are good at anything then let the world know about it. Our website is offering a good platform for all writers. We are welcoming all the bloggers, influencers, and guest bloggers to share your content with us. We are assisting the better engagement of viewers and readers on your post.
Few Guidelines about the blog posting
TheHubNews is providing the platform to write blogs on any topic. We are open to all blogs. The primary topics for the blog post are:
- Beauty
- Business
- Cars
- Transport
- Clothes
- Fashion
- Digital Marketing
- Education
- Entertainment
- Games
- Finance
- Food & Restaurants
- Gardening
- Landscaping
- Health
- Holiday
- Travel
- Houses Service
- Home Improvement
- Legal & Law
- Lifestyle
- Art
- Photography
- Media
- Plants
- Pets
- Hobbies
- Real Estate
- Shopping
- Sport
- Outdoor Activities
However, we don’t accept any posts regarding any anti-social topics. We don’t support racism, drugs, adult content, gambling, or any controversial topics.
Post Length
Writing a lengthy blog won’t help. Nobody wants to read a novel like information. For posting your blog on our website, you have to write the content with the word limitation. But the post should not be less than 1000 words. Write more than 1000 words on the blog to explain the topic well. We have our experts who check the blog thoroughly to prevent any kind of misleading or false content on the blog.
Better quality means better engagement. With the blog post on TheHubNews, you can promote your business well. Create content that can tell you about your business. Better content will help to improve the web ranking and good sales & promotion.
No Plagiarism
We are requesting you to not deliver the plagiarism content. TheHubNews has zero-tolerance for plagiarism content. Please check your content on the plagiarism checking tools like Quetext before sending it to use. Otherwise, we won’t post your blog on our website.
Title and Format
A powerful title means more views. The blog title gains the reader’s attention. If your title is about the content that he needs; he will read your blog for sure. You should create eye-catching content by adding a primary keyword. It allows viewers to know more about your blog. For easy reading, write your blogs in paragraphs or bullets. Use heading to maintain the readability. Good heading with keywords means a good ranking on the search page.
You can add backlinks to your previous blogs. If the reader wants more details, he can use the links directly. Using these links will provide more traffic on old posts and improve the ranking.
You can add photos to your article or blog. But the number of photos should be limited. Adding lots of photos on a small blog might create issues. Also, don’t use large photo size photos; your blog will take more loading time. Add a good banner to make your blog more appealing.
Author Biography
Your blog should be known with your name. Provide a good author biography so the readers get to know more about you and your business. It will not only help the sale but also create trust in the business.
SEO Friendly
Your blog/article must cover all the SEO parameters. You have spent the time writing a blog for your business. But you won’t get good results without SEO. The content must follow all SEO entities. A more SEO friendly blog means good views and better optimization. Once our experts analyze your blog, we’ll post it on the website shortly.
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