A urologist is a specialist in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of the urinary and male reproductive systems, as well as the retroperitoneal space. Urology is not only a therapeutic but also a surgical discipline. Specialists carry out not only medical but also surgical treatment. Some people think that doctors only accept men. Actually, it is not. Women can also apply to a specialist. Often, doctors have to eliminate congenital pathologies. Urologists are generalists who should be contacted immediately after detecting any signs of disease.


Important! Renal pathologies are treated by two doctors at once: a nephrologist and a urologist. Few patients know who to contact. It should be remembered that nephrologists are engaged only in conservative therapy, and urologists carry out both drug and other non-surgical therapy, and surgical interventions.

Male urologist

This doctor deals with the treatment (Click here for treatment), prevention, and diagnosis of diseases such as:

  • Bladder inflammation: Men suffer from cystitis infrequently, which is associated with the special structure of the urethra. Nevertheless, the pathology occurs and worries mainly the representatives of the stronger sex over the age of 40 years. Inflammation in the bladder usually occurs due to infection in the prostate, urethra, epididymis, and testes. Cystitis rarely becomes an independent pathology in men. Usually, other diseases of the genitourinary system join the inflammatory process in the bladder. For this reason, treatment must be comprehensive and professional.
  • Urolithiasis: With such a pathology, solid formations of various sizes appear in the bladder, kidneys, and ureter. Interestingly, in young patients, urolithiasis often affects the kidneys and ureters, and in children and the elderly – the bladder. The number of stones and their sizes can be very different. There are both very small deposits (grains, sand) and very large ones (up to 12 centimeters). Pathology develops for a number of reasons. The main ones include violations of metabolic processes. Provoking factors are malnutrition, increased acidity of urine, lack of nutrients, chronic diseases of internal organs, and dehydration
  • Urethritis: Inflammatory processes in the urethra are a fairly common pathology. It can be primary or secondary. Each form of pathology appears for a number of reasons. Infections are possible through sexual contact, surgical interventions, and other ways.
  • Jade: This pathology is an inflammation of the kidneys. Register both primary nephritis, which is associated with the occurrence of an inflammatory process directly in the kidneys, and secondary – it is the result of pathologies of other organs. The primary form of the disease is usually provoked by Escherichia coli, streptococci, and other dangerous microorganisms, and the second occurs with diabetes, alcoholism, allergic reactions, etc.

Specialists are involved in the treatment of:

  • Prostatitis
  • Infertility
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Problems in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system

Generalists are involved in working with patients with various inflammatory processes.
The competence of urologists includes the detection, prevention, and treatment of infectious processes.

Professionals are contacted for such pathological processes as:

  • Any rash in the groin area
  • Formations (warts, etc.) on the genitals
  • Balanoposthitis, which is an inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis

A consultation with a urologist with a specialization in venereology is relevant if you suspect:

  • Candidiasis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis and other pathologies

These diseases are caused by protozoa, bacteria, and fungi. Also, venereologists are engaged in the treatment of human papillomavirus and HIV, scabies. It should be understood that many of these diseases in the early stages of their development occur without any symptoms. This obliges a person prone to infectious pathologies to undergo regular examinations.

Urologists are engaged in the treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of various pathological processes of the male reproductive system.

A consultation with a urologist with a specialization in andrology is relevant for problems associated with:

  • male infertility
  • Pathologies of the prostate
  • male menopause

Urologists-andrologists observe men with various sexual disorders, disorders of androgen synthesis, and metabolic processes. Specialists are also involved in the treatment of oncological diseases.

Important! Urologists-andrologists, unlike andrologists, also treat diseases of the bladder. You can make an appointment with a doctor if you have problems with urination, for example, regardless of its causes. Today, many hormonal and endocrine disorders are treated conservatively. If you need surgery, you will be seen by a urologist.

Specialist oncologists deal exclusively with the treatment and diagnosis of neoplasms of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Oncologists provide:

  • Diagnosis
  • Selection of a treatment protocol
  • Removal of neoplasms

Specialists carefully study the history of patients, determine the causes of the formation of benign or malignant tumours, and refer them for examinations and consultations with other specialists. Doctors also help reduce discomfort and pain at various stages of cancer. They are engaged in the complex conduct of oncological therapy and are engaged in the restoration of patients in remission. Urologists-oncologists pay special attention to preventing the development of dangerous diseases. Specialists develop and implement preventive programs for oncological pathologies.

Specialists provide therapy for the following pathologies:

Cystitis. This disease occurs in women quite often due to the structural features of the internal organs. Cystitis can be caused by pathological processes not only in the genitourinary system but also in the intestines or upper respiratory tract. Blood circulation contributes to the rapid spread of infection. It is with the blood flow that harmful microorganisms can enter the bladder. The stimulating factors for the development of cystitis are the general exhaustion of the body, hypothermia and overwork, surgical interventions, and injuries. Pathology can be triggered by even a slight injury to the mucosa or the long-term use of a number of drugs.

Pyelonephritis. This is an inflammatory disease. It affects the kidneys and causes pain, muscle tension in the area of their projection, fever, general weakness, and fever. Treatment of pyelonephritis should be started as early as possible since this pathology (like some others) can provoke kidney failure and other dangerous complications.

Urethritis. With this pathology, the urethra is affected. The disease develops mainly with hypothermia. Urethritis can be both infectious and non-infectious in nature.

Urolithiasis. This pathology consists of the formation of solid deposits of various sizes. In women, the disease is often asymptomatic for a long time and causes severe pain and fever only when the stone completely blocks the urethra

Urogenital fistulas. With this pathology, women suffer from involuntary excretion of urine. In this case, natural urination may persist (if the fistula is relatively small). Pathology not only causes physical discomfort but can also cause a woman to refuse to leave the house. Urinary fistulas are treated, you just need to contact a specialist as soon as possible

OAB (overactive bladder). Among them, are not only urinary incontinence but also frequent urination, as well as the predominance of night-time urination over daytime

Kidney failure. It manifests itself as a violation of all kidney functions. With renal failure, metabolic disorders occur. The causes of the pathological condition include both kidney disease and endocrine disorders, infectious processes, and shock conditions.


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