Why Should You Livestream a Global Summit?


Live streaming a summit is undoubtedly challenging and the most seasoned event can crumble under the pressure of the live streaming services. A virtual conference or summit can give a positive impact on the business and expand the global footprint. The live experience quality can be enhanced for the viewers and they get a lot of learning.

A live-streamed webinar or conference is a presentation broadcasted in real-time. It includes one presenter and they discuss a topic. A single presenter or a panel is used to enhance the presentation. The online events and webinars have expanded and they can conduct meetings and presentations in the era of disturbing work.

live-streamed webinar

The summits, sessions, and tools like the live Q&A help to keep the attendees engaged. The production requirements are complex and a webinar is completed in a given number of sessions. The multimedia requirements of a summit include a speaker, and mics and all the time and money will turn worth it.


A lot of consideration needs to be done before choosing the best live streaming services to stream a summit. When it comes to initiative, goal setting can have an impact on all the important areas of growth for a business. Right from a revenue increase to all the other factors, a live stream is a very effective way to popularize an event.

The reasons to live stream a summit are mentioned below and the ways they help in popularizing an event.

  • Drives the awareness of the brand

Since in a live summit, no physical space is required, the catering costs are reduced and the budgets can be used for something else, the marketing gets a higher weightage. The marketing done helps to drive the awareness of the brand with a global target in mind. Without the physical restrictions, it becomes easier to market the event, and no regional or geographical limit stops from the same.

  • Optimize the resources

Shifting the summit to live streaming via the live streaming provider, the opportunity to invest in virtual needs while saving the overall cost. A platform, like Dreamcast, is thus necessary as it reflects on the conference goals, and production assets and an immersive experience is produced. The costs are saved and the time invested in looking for a venue to conduct such big events is also reduced.

  • Increasing the reach globally

The market efforts need to be ramped up to get new viewers or audiences. If the event is successful in doing so, it’s a big win for them. New contacts are added to the database and the audience can be discovered from all around the globe. A summit is a big event and can have a LinkedIn Live Streaming which helps to let the viewers know about the summit. In a virtual conference, there is no restriction on the space.

  • Nurturing the customers

The audience that has been following the event from the start should be mentioned in the stream so that they feel respected for supporting. The live streaming service providers give the speaker time to mention the customers. A customer being given the spotlight at a conference is a way to thank them for being loyal and nurturing. The speaker can be asked to be a moderator or keynote.

  • Attendance goals

Since the live stream summit is cost-effective in comparison to the live summits, it makes it easier both for the host and the audience. The viewers can tune in from the comfort of their homes and it gives a guarantee of high conversion rates from the event.

  • Expanding the audience

A live streaming provider also gives ways to attract an audience from all around the globe and the marketers and producers will help in increasing the attendance. The marketers who practice marketing help to increase the size of the audience beyond the limitation of the space.

  • Content should be evergreen

The webcast service provider also recommends keeping the content evergreen. In a summit, if the same topic or discussion is repeated, the audience might get bored and leave in the middle. The summit can also be recorded without using any additional equipment. The live recordings can then be repurposed and used in some other summit organized by the same company. An upcoming summit can also be based on the last recorded summit.

  • Business Revenue

For the cooperative live streaming services, a live stream of a summit expands the business. A company deciding to stream the summit also plans investment strategically reported based on the attendance rates. One can sit back and watch the results of a live-streamed event come in. Many costs like the physical vendors, ticket revenue, or the new business help in saving or expanding the fame of the company.

  • Nothing beats it

Whether a live stream is considered safe or a better option, there is nothing at present in the market that helps in a better way. In events live streaming, many options are given like launch polls, Q&A, and time to understand the data for the engagement of the audience. The content in-frame should be aimed to be informative and enhance the virtual experience of the audience. The new networking opportunities help to connect socially through the scheduling tools.


There are many benefits of live streaming a summit and it provides advantages over an in-person event. One of the major requirements before deciding to stream the event is that a professional streaming service should be hired. One must be able to distinguish between the necessary and optional features in a live stream.

In the case of social platforms, the brand must tell its story through a live stream. The people while the summit can connect with like-minded people.


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