Bigger Breasts: What to Expect Breast Augmentation


Breast augmentation, or a “boob job,” is a popular plastic surgery procedure. The correct name for it is augmentation mammoplasty, and the goal is usually to increase the breast size, usually by adding fatty tissue to the breast.

bigger breasts what to expect breast augmentation

Women often opt for breast augmentation to decrease their breasts after pregnancy or to complement weight loss. However, breast augmentation is also advised if you’ve had surgery on your breasts to remove a tumor or growth. Augmentative surgery adjusts the breast size for better symmetry.

How Do You Decide on Breast Augmentation?

If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, you would start by having a consultation with the plastic surgeon of your choice, such as Dr. Joel Aronowitz. The surgeon will evaluate your goals, body, and the surgery requirements. Only when you are completely satisfied with the surgeon’s skills and what they offer should you proceed with the surgery.

Breast Augmentation Options

Several types of safe breast augmentation fillers are available, but which you choose depends on the type of surgery and augmentation and what your budget allows. When opting for implants to increase breast size or create a more symmetrical breast, you can choose between saline or silicone gel implants. Each has its own risks and benefits.

In some cases, the surgeon may harvest fat from other parts of the patient’s body and inject it into the breast for the least invasive form of augmentation with minimal cutting.

What to Expect from the Surgery

The surgery takes 1–2 hours, during which an incision is made for the implants. Usually, the implants are placed behind the areola (the skin around the nipple), under the breast, or in the armpit. The board-certified surgeon makes a small pocket in the breast tissue or in the muscles supporting the breast where the implant is placed.

Full recovery may take several months, but discomfort should begin to fade in a week or two. The adjustment to having bigger breasts can often be challenging, and post-surgery, you’ll have to wear a supportive bra to help reduce inflammation.

Why Choose Breast Augmentation?

Aside from wanting bigger breasts, there are other reasons why breast augmentation may be a good choice for you. However, if your confidence has been negatively affected because you don’t have large breasts (or any breasts), it can be a massive gift to get augmentation and have breasts. After all, having breasts is part of your identity, and if surgery can help – why not?

Who Can’t Have Breast Augmentation?

If you are healthy, you may be a suitable candidate for breast augmentation surgery. People with high blood pressure, intolerance to general anesthesia, poor recovery due to autoimmune diseases, and a history of breast implant rejection may not be suitable candidates.

The Risks of Breast Augmentation

Some common risks include:

  • Infection
  • Loss of sensitivity to the nipples and breast
  • Implant leakage or rupture
  • Scarring
  • Implant positioning, which can result in asymmetrical breasts

Contact your plastic surgeon, such as Joel Aronowitz MD, and begin the discussions if you want this plastic surgery procedure.


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