I think it is safe to assume that you have seen and used a credit card at least once in your life. Credit cards make your life a lot easier by allowing you to make purchases even if you currently do not have any money on you.
You use the credit given to you by the bank and then you pay it off according to the policy of that specific card issuer. Not many people are fully aware of what they can accomplish with their credit cards and this article is going to be about just that.
We have gathered here some of the most useful credit card lifehacks that anyone can use to make the most out of their card without risking their credit score in any way.
Following are some of the best credit card tips and tricks that you can use without any worry
1. Get a Business Credit Card
Business credit cards have many perks to them and it is always a great idea to go for these if you are eligible. There is a huge misconception that business credit cards are only for large-scale business owners and corporate people but that is not at all true. For example, if you get a destiny credit card, you can do the destiny credit card login to keep track of your expenses in real-time.
You can get these even if you are just an unregistered sole proprietor or you have some part-time venture. These credit cards help you get business credit which comes quite in handy in case you want to expand.
2. Pool Your Rewards
Some people have separate credit cards for their business and personal finances. These people can combine the rewards of these cards to boost their credit scores in less time.
For example, you can use both cards to earn rewards from the same airline, hotel, or some other business. This will double the benefits you get from these rewards and that will reflect positively on your overall credit history.
3. Go for Credit Card Product Change
Let’s say you want to change your credit card service and get rid of the previous one. You can do it without canceling the last card. You can keep the same account and change your credit to some other bank without having to go through the credit check.
This will save you from paying an annual fee while you participate in an entirely different rewards program. One thing to keep in mind is that you will not be able to get a new signup bonus if you go with this particular trick.
4. Look for Credit Card Offers
Almost every credit card issuer gives certain offers and discounts for a limited time. You can check out these discounts by simply logging into the app or by visiting the main website on a regular basis.
These offers can help you save some money for getting different services. This way by doing nothing you will be able to enjoy free stuff through your credit card. You can check the destiny card offers at the destiny Mastercard login portal.
5. Travel Credit Cards
If you are an avid traveller you can apply for an airplane or a hotel credit card that you frequently use. This makes you eligible for various discounts from these places that can save a bunch of your money.
Some hotels offer a free night’s stay on the first anniversary of your card which you can enjoy if you feel like treating yourself.
6. Cancellation of Annual Fee
If you do not use certain credit cards that often it makes no sense to keep paying their service fee annually. You can ask the card issuers to waive your annual fee since you do not need that card for anything.
There are high chances that they will do that and even if they don’t, they will give you the equivalent number of rewards just so that can keep your business.
7. Pay Attention to The Due Dates
Before you make any big purchase, you need to look at your regular monthly credit card billing cycle. It is better to wait till the last cycle is over before making some big purchases. You can make that purchase one day after paying the credit fee for the last month this way you will get one extra month to pay for the expensive item you just bought.
This is an extremely effective way to save yourself some money by avoiding unnecessary interest on your credit card payments.
Final Thoughts
So, these are some of the most effective credit card lifehacks that most people do not know about. All of these tips will save you money and they are also quite safe.
The information in this article will allow you to boost your credit score without risking anything. We really hope you find this stuff helpful and we wish you all the very best in making the most out of your own credit cards.