Trigger Point Therapy


Trigger Point Therapy is an area of massage that focuses on those trigger points and the causes for this impairment. These are soft or challenging spots in any muscle such as punctured nerves, asanas, and other types of physical stress due to various conditions and injuries. The pain can usually feel like a chronic, tired, and burning sensation.

What are the trigger points and how can PT help?

A collision point is defined as a breaking band of skeletal muscle located within a large muscle group. Trigger points are soft to the touch and therapeutic massage can refer to pain in the distal parts of the body. Patients may have regional, persistent pain as a result of loss of movement in the affected muscle.

Trigger Point Therapy

What are the trigger points?

Trigger points feel like tiny marbles or dots on the bottom of your skin. When pressed at the trigger point, many people do not feel pain or numbness. Occasionally, trigger points become very sensitive, and some people experience significant pain in areas where they are the trigger point.

Have you ever been a Charlie horse in a muscle? If so, then you know how it feels: the whole muscle goes into a painful spasm, and the only thing that seems to help is to gently stretch and stretch the muscle.

Now, think of the trigger points in your muscles as tiny Charlie horses. These painful dots do not cause the entire muscle to spasm, only a very small part of it. But if you have enough trigger points, you may begin to feel intense pain and experience limited muscle motility.

Where do people get trigger points?

Trigger points and muscle cravings can happen anywhere in your body. Wherever the muscle tissue is, there may be a small area of ​​tissue differentiation. This could be a trigger point. The body may include areas where trigger points are more commonly found:

  • The trapezius muscles of your head on both sides of your neck just above your shoulders.
  • Your quadratus lumborum muscles in your lower back
  • Your hamstrings
  • Your calf muscles
  • With your iliotibial band

You can get trigger points anywhere in your body, and if they are excessive, you may experience chronic pain and musculoskeletal pain syndrome.

Myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points

Imagine you have a small cut on your finger. A kit, a finger. It can be a little annoying, especially if something is pushing a small cut or if you move your finger correctly. But nothing cut out is serious, and it’s just a temporary burden.

Now imagine you have good hands and small cuts on all your fingers. These cuts are so bad that they hurt, and seriously hurt. And as the cuts are so numerous, every movement (and some resting posture) causes pain. This is myofascial pain syndrome. You have so many small muscles and fat trigger points that your body’s muscles are in a constant state of pain.

Myofascial pain syndrome can be difficult to treat; The pain is so widespread that it can be difficult to know where to begin treatment.

Do trigger points and trigger point therapy have scientific bases?

Research shows that no one really knows what the right tissue is that makes you feel trigger points. It is also not known that some people feel pain when pushing muscle sores and some people do not.

Today’s science cannot explain why some trigger points are traumatic and that trigger points are merely muscle spasms. It is theorized that the trigger points, the narrow bands of the muscle and fascia tissue, become so tight that it restricts blood flow to the tissue of the muscle.

This creates a metabolic crisis in the muscle tissue; There are pains and cramps that require oxygen and nutrients to heal, but they are unable to reach the muscle due to a decrease in the circulation of nutrients. The pain-reduction cycle begins — the cycle of pain begins, and this cycle can be difficult to intervene.

Active and inactive trigger points

There are two types of trigger points that physicians treat: active and inactive trigger points. The 3 passive trigger points only hurt your right place. If your hamstring has a painful muscle splint and someone presses it, the pain will feel right where the pressure is at.

An active trigger point refers to pain in the other part of the body. If someone knocks you at an active trigger point in your shoulder, you may feel pain in your shoulder and symptoms in your chest or hand.

Regardless of the type of trigger point you have or the fact that we do not fully understand what is happening when trigger points are created, you can benefit from physical therapy to help you manage your problem. General Chat Chat Lounge

How Can Physical Therapy Help?

If you are looking for Trigger Point Therapy ideas from a physical therapist, don’t go with the goal of eliminating your target points. Rather than focusing on the pain, focus on strategies to manage trigger points. Physical therapy for muscle sores can help regulate your pain and help determine the basic body mechanics that can make your muscle soreness.

Physical therapists employ a variety of methods to treat trigger points. These may include:

  • Exercises to help you change your posture and the way your body moves Tapping kinesiology
  • Treatment methods such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation
  • Dry salt
  • Massage
  • Myofascial counting techniques and trigger point therapy may also be helpful for your muscle cramps and trigger points.
  • Myofascial Measures Ideas that help to adjust your fascia around your muscles. It can help improve the circulation and general movement of your muscles.

The trigger point is treated by pressing your PT and keeping the top of the trigger points in your muscles. This temporarily stops the circulation of the tissue. This reduction of circulation increases the chemical called nitric oxide in the tissue. Nitric oxide signals open your body to micro-capillaries, thus bringing in more blood flow and disrupting the pain-altering cycle of pain.

Trigger Point Therapy at Home

One of the best things you can do for your trigger points is to learn to handle your situation yourself. This may include triggering the self-massage trigger point technique. These may include:

  • Using the Back – To Press the Number into Your Trigger Points
  • Rolling over a tennis ball to push in your trigger points
  • Foam rolling over helps smooth muscle tissue.
  • Research shows that muscle is not a great remedy for fat. One thing is for postural correction and exercise to engage in an active therapeutic program is the stimulus for high passive therapy.
  • Check with your physical therapist to learn about self-control strategies for a full diagnosis of your condition. To manage your target points.

A word from Verywell

If you are dealing with painful muscle knots and trigger points, first, do not be afraid. Trigger points are unmatched and there is no significant risk to you or your health. They can only cause pain that may restrict your general mobility.

To manage your painful muscle cramps, check with your healthcare provider to make sure there is no underlying cause for your pain. Ask about physical therapy to help you cure your trigger points, and start engaging in an active treatment program to make a positive difference with your trigger points. By learning strategies for managing your pain, you can control your condition.


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