6 Easy and Effective Ways To Create A Research Question


Creating a research question before going to the library or searching online is a great way to locate sources. Finding sources, making notes, outlining, and writing an initial draft of an academic paper are all guided by a good research topic. It serves as a guide for your final academic essay.

Academicpaperpros is one of the top writing services in the UK. But coming up with a research question is challenging. However, you can use a variety of methods to generate research topics that have relevant sources. So, in this article, we have outlined six brainstorming techniques you can use to create a research question.

Research Question

Consider Learning More About a Topic

Consider background inquiries about a topic as a great place to start. Each subject has a history, albeit a brief one. Think about how or when your essay began. You might ask the following:

  • What has happened so far?
  • Are there any notable occasions or events connected to your topic?
  • What or who was essential to this topic?
  • What is the publication date of your article?

Make a list of history questions and choose the questions that pique your interest the most.

Use Journalist’s Questioning Technique

A journalist’s questioning technique is also a great place to start if you’re unsure how to start. By examining your problem, you develop your research question. Write the topic and consider the questions about who, what, when, how, why, and where.
Create a list, and then ask more questions about your topic. Ask more specific questions until you see something that catches your attention. Select this query and search to see if there are any publications or sources that can help you provide an answer.

Structure and Composition of the Topic

This method works effectively for subjects that can break down into smaller units, steps, or process steps. Consider these issues:

  • Can the topic be divided into separate sections?
  • Does it fall into several categories?
  • Is there a range of classifications within the subject?
  • Is there an efficient way to view its development process?
  • Can you break your topic down into separate steps?

For example, if fair trade coffee is your topic, you can distribute fair-trade coffee to different countries. After that, write a research question based on fair-trade coffee. You can ask about the methods used in fair-trade coffee production or purchase.

Make Inquiries

This strategy requires spending time reading research on your topic. Plan to spend two to four hours searching for articles, books, and other materials. Look at the studies and writings of other academics and browse through the sources that come before you. Do you have any key themes, concepts, or ideas that interest you? Create a list of them and then come up with some related questions. Looking at existing sources will reveal the latest and newest ideas on the issue, which is an excellent way to come up with further questions.

Change Positive Queries to Negative Queries

Consider frequently asked questions about your topic and make them more interesting by rewriting them as negative questions. As you do this, list some encouraging questions. Once you have these questions, flip through them to see what negative questions you can consider.

Here’s an application of this strategy using fair-trade coffee. What are the benefits of fair trade coffee? That’s a good question. The question in the negative is: What are the disadvantages of fair-trade coffee? Make a list of possible questions until one stands out in front of you.

Use the Term “What if?”

Think about what life would be like without your subject. Speculate on possible variations of your theme. Here are some examples of hypothetical questions you can ask about different topics. What if there were no fair-trade coffee agreements? You could ask this question if fair-trade coffee was your topic. The answer to this question will lead you to consider the living conditions of coffee producers and wages with fair trade agreements. You can also think about how fair-trade coffee would affect farmers without such consensus. Hypothetical questions help you develop new and innovative questions by allowing you to explore a topic from multiple angles.

Formulating a good research question doesn’t have to be daunting. Ideas will start coming to you organically as soon as you start. The secret is not to give up on things. Find a place where you can focus and generate ideas. Spend at least 30 minutes with questions. Create your research topic using several strategies. You should be able to choose from different concepts and perspectives.

Remember to choose a subject that interests you because you will spend a lot of time studying and writing about it. The more engaged you are in writing a research paper, the more delighted you will be. For more info visit: https://writingservicereviews.com/


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